🔥خطة مستشار المنح لتقديم ملفك للمنحة😍🔥
◀️1️⃣ تجهيز وثيقة الحاجة المالية للمنحة. (حصرية لدينا)
◀️2️⃣نوفر رسالة حافز وركز👈 شخصية100٪ (بدون نسخ👉)
◀️3️⃣اعداد حجة اثبات الارتباط والنوايا (حصرية لدينا)
◀️4️⃣ اعداد Reference letter (+توصيات و cv)
◀️5️⃣الحصول على قبول مشروط عند عدم وجود ايلتس
◀️6️⃣توفير التدريب للمقابلة بالزوم (حصرية فقط معنا)
◀️7️⃣ بث حي ومباشرة اسبوعي لمتابعة منحك والتقديم
◀️8️⃣اضافتك لمجموعة تقديم خاصة شهرين كامل مجانا .
◀️9️⃣حصولك على خدمات الاستشارة لمدة عام كامل
◀️🔟 ضمانة حصولك على حجز فوري للتدريب
في SAT او GRE عند قبولك المشروط
👈 😍ضمانة الوثائق 👈 التقديم 👈 المقابلة 💯٪
قائمة المنح الصينية كاملة CSC 2024
Huazhong Agricultural University | http://ic.hzau.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Huazhong Agricultural University Scholarship | December 1, to June 30. |
Huazhong Agricultural University | http://ic.hzau.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Huazhong Agricultural University Scholarship | December 1, to June 30 |
Shenyang Normal University | http://cie.synu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | March 30th |
Anhui University | http://en.ahu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | January till the end of April |
Beihua University | http://admissions.beihua.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | 1th March. |
Beijing Film Academy | http://eng.bfa.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | January till the end of April |
Beijing Institute of Technology | http://isc.bit.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | November 15th to April 15th |
Beijing Jiaotong University | http://cie.bjtu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | 10-Apr |
Beijing Jiaotong University | http://cie.bjtu.edu.cn | Bachelor | Silk Road Program | 10-04-18 |
Beijing Normal University | http://iso.bnu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | Mar 15 |
Beijing Jiaotong University | http://cie.bjtu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | 10-Apr |
Beijing Jiaotong University | http://cie.bjtu.edu.cn | Bachelor | Silk Road Program | 10-04-18 |
Beijing Normal University | http://iso.bnu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | Mar 15 |
Beijing University of Chemical Technology | http://english.buct.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | March 30th |
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications | https://english.bupt.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | January to April 10th |
Bohai University | http://www.bhuwsc.com | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | January 1st – March 30th |
Capital Normal University | http://www.ciecnu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | 01-Apr |
Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine | http://eiceo.cdutcm.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | January and early April |
China Agricultural University | http://admissions.cau.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | March 1 |
China Agricultural University | http://admissions.cau.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | March 15th |
China Agricultural University | http://admissions.cau.edu.cn | Doctoral Degree | FORBIDDEN CITY SCHOLARSHIP | 15th March |
China Agricultural University | http://admissions.cau.edu.cn | Master program | SILK ROAD SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM | March 15 |
China Three Gorges University | http://eng.ctgu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | January to April 30th |
China Three Gorges University | http://eng.ctgu.edu.cn | Bachelor’s Degree | Silk Road Program | January to April 30th |
China University of Geosciences(Beijing) | http://bm.cugb.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | April 10th |
China University of Petroleum | http://cie.upc.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | between 1 January and 10 April |
Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications | http://english.cqupt.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | December 1st to April 15th |
Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications | http://english.cqupt.edu.cn | Bachelor/Master’s | Chongqing Municipal Government Scholarship | December 1st to April 15th |
Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications | http://english.cqupt.edu.cn | Bachelor/Master’s | Chongqing Municipal Government Scholarship | December 1st to April 15th |
Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications | http://english.cqupt.edu.cn | Bachelor/Master’s /Doctoral Degree | President Scholarship | January 1st – March 30th |
Dalian University of Technology | http://sie.dlut.edu.cn/en | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | December to end of February per year |
Dalian University of Technology | http://sie.dlut.edu.cn | Doctoral Degree | Liaoning Government Scholarship | December to end of February |
Donghua University | http://english.dhu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | March 31 |
Donghua University | http://english.dhu.edu.cn | Bachelor/Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Shanghai Government Scholarship | March 31 |
East China Normal University | http://lxs.ecnu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | March 31st |
East China Normal University | http://lxs.ecnu.edu.cn | Bachelor/Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Shanghai Government Scholarship | May 15th |
East China University of Science and Technology | http://ies.ecust.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | March 31 |
Fudan university | http://iso.fudan.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | November 1 to March |
Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University | http://english.fafu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | From Feb 1st to Apr 30th |
Harbin Engineering University | http://studyheu.hrbeu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Atomic Energy Scholarship of China | November 15 to January 15 |
Harbin Engineering University | http://studyheu.hrbeu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | November 15 to January 15 |
Harbin Institute of Technology | http://studyathit.hit.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | September 20 to December 31 |
Hohai University | http://ie.hhu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | February to April |
Huangshan University | http://study.hsu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | January till the end of April |
Huazhong University of Science and Technology | http://iso.hust.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | January 1st and March 31st |
Inner Mongolia Normal University | http://en.imnu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | January 10 and April 10 |
Jiamusi University | http://iec.jmsu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | March 30th |
Jiamusi University | http://iec.jmsu.edu.cn | Bachelor/Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Heilongjiang Provincial Scholarships | April 15th |
Jiangnan University | http://studyabroad.jiangnan.edu.cn | Bachelor/Master’s /Doctoral Degree | New Student Scholarship | April 20th |
Tongji University | http://study.tongji.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | March 15th |
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China | http://en.uestc.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | January 1st to March 31st. |
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China | http://en.uestc.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | The Belt and Road | January 1st to March 31st. |
University of Science and Technology Beijing | http://isc.ustb.edu.cn | Bachelor | Chinese Government Scholarship | April 15th |
University of Science and Technology Beijing | http://isc.ustb.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | April 15th |
University of Science and Technology of China | http://isa.ustc.edu.cn | Doctoral Degree | CAS-TWAS President’s Fellowship | March 31st |
University of Science and Technology of China | http://isa.ustc.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | March 15 |
University of Science and Technology of China | http://isa.ustc.edu.cn | Master’s Degree | The Belt and Road | 31 March |
University of Science and Technology of China | http://isa.ustc.edu.cn | Bachelor/Master’s /Doctoral Degree | USTC Scholarship Program | 31 March |
University of Shanghai for Science and Technology | http://en.usst.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | March 1 to 1 April |
Wuhan University | http://admission.whu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | Jan. to March 31st |
Wuhan University of Technology | http://sie.whut.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | January 1st – March 30th |
Xiamen University | https://admissions.xmu.edu.cn/ | Bachelor/Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Fujian Provincial Government Scholarships | February 1 to May 10 |
Xiamen University | https://admissions.xmu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | February 1 to April 10 |
Xiamen University | https://admissions.xmu.edu.cn | Bachelor/Master’s /Doctoral Degree | New International Students | Feb. 1- April 30 |
Xiamen University | https://admissions.xmu.edu.cn | Bachelor/Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Scholarships for International Students | February 1 to April 30 |
Xiamen University of Technology | http://english.xmut.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | January to April |
Xi’an Jiaotong University | http://sie.xjtu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | November 1st to March 15th |
Xidian University | http://sie.xidian.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | January and early April |
Yanbian University | http://liuxue.ybu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | April 10th |
Yanshan University | https://gjjyxy.ysu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | May 20th |
Zhejiang Gongshang University | http://sie.zjgsu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | April 15th |
Zhejiang Gongshang University | http://sie.zjgsu.edu.cn | Bachelor/Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Zhejiang Government Scholarship | May 31st |
Zhejiang Normal University | http://www.zjnu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | April 30 |
Zhejiang University | http://iczu.zju.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program | March 31st |
Zhejiang University | http://iczu.zju.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | March 31st |
Zhejiang University | http://iczu.zju.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Zhejiang University Marine Scholarship | March 31st |
Zhejiang University | http://iczu.zju.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Zhejiang University Scholarship | March 31st |
Zhengzhou University | http://international.zzu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government Scholarship | January 1st – March 30th |
Zhengzhou University | http://international.zzu.edu.cn | Silk Road Program | HENAN GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP | January till the end of April |
ZHENGZHOU UNIVERSITY | http://international.zzu.edu.cn | Doctoral Degree | PRESIDENT SCHOLARSHIP | January 15 |
Zhongnan University of Economics and Law | http://ies-en.zuel.edu.cn | Bachelor/Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Overseas Student Scholarship | April to May every year |
North China Electric Power University | http://studyatncepu.ncepu.edu.cn | Master’s /Doctoral Degree | Chinese Government | |